(Done at home before going to the field)
- Wings and tail are properly aligned.
- Wing panels are not warped.
- Hinges are properly secured and of sufficient quantity. Pull on hinged surfaces gently to check for loose hinges.
- Servos are securely mounted to plywood or servo tray and servo tray is securely mounted (servo tray is not made out of balsa or other soft material).
- All necessary screws are in place and tight (servos, engine mount, landing gear, wheel collars).
- Push rods do not bind and allow no slop. Should not be able to move control surfaces more than 1/16" before servo moves.
- Do not use quick servo connections, use Z-bend or clevis.
- CG (center of gravity) is correct. If CG is located behind fuel tank, check CG with fuel tank empty. If CG is located in front of fuel tank, check CG with fuel tank full.
- Fuel tank is secure and plumbed correctly. The center line of the tank should be located on the same line as the carburetor.
- Covering is tight and properly applied and no bare wood is showing. Bare wood will absorb fuel, weaken airframe, and add weight.
- Wheels turn easily. Use a couple drop of oil or fuel to loosen.
- Battery and receiver are wrapped in foam and secure.
- Receiver antenna is fully extended and is routed properly.
- All electrical servos and battery connections are tight.
- Control surfaces and throttle move in correlation with
sticks on transmitter.
Aileron stick moves right - right aileron moves up.
Rudder stick moves right - rudder moves right.
Elevator stick moves down - elevator moves up
Throttle stick moves up - carburetor opens - All control surfaces have proper control throw.
- Remove price stickers and rough edges from the propeller and balance.
- Receiver and transmitter battery packs are fully charged.
- Your transmitter has it frequency numbers prominently displayed on the antenna along with your red 72mhz flag.